We started the novel by discussing "Nature" and its role in the novel.  How has that role developed in this last set of chapters?  As you reflect on nature's role, cite the references to nature in this section. i.e. the forest, the brook etc. 

What might Hawthorne be suggesting about nature?  Consider the ideas regarding transcendentalism that we discussed in the start ofthe unit.

Do you agree with these ideas about nature and its power?  How does modern society's regard for nature compare and contrast with Hawthorne's and some of the other Romantics we have encountered at the start of the unit?   (Thomas Cole, Thoreau etc.)
We have been disussing Hester's crime (adultery) and her subsequent punishment throughout the first section of the text.  Here are a few focus questions for this topic:

To what extent should government get involved in family matters such as adultery, parenting, marriage issues, or custody disputes?  Use examples from the text to support your ideas and think about modern day connections to the text. 

 Hester is publicly shamed for her punishment.  Is this strategy effective?  Why or why not?  Why would a society choose to publicly shame its criminals?  What purpose does this strategy serve?  

    Our Blog

    We will use this page to discuss texts we are reading both in and out of class.
    You will be assessed on a weekly basis on your participation in the blog according to this scoring guide.


    November 2012
    October 2012

